Monday, October 18, 2004


The Futility Of Voting In America

By Hugh Joseph

It should be apparent to all sane persons that the term "exercise in futility" was coined with the US system of voting in Presidents in mind. One does not need to be a genius to understand this simple fact. Were it not for the dangerous situation that has been created by our greedy politicos and their corporate handlers, the entire thing would be laughable.

Imagine, if you will, that it is the year 1929. You live in a small town in the Deep South. Elections for local Sheriff are coming up and there are two contenders for the job. Both are full-fledged, card-carrying members of the KKK with numerous cross burnings, lynchings and beatings of blacks under their belt. Both are fully approved by the wealthy, white ruling class. It's just a matter of how many votes each candidate manages to get. Regardless of who wins, the KKK wins. Nothing changes! Consider that there are possibly only 600 members of the secretive Skull and Bones alive in the US. What are the odds that out of a population of some 260 million supposedly thoughtful Americans, the main contenders for the top governmental spot will be Bonesmen? Such an outcome would be most unlikely without massive, behind the scenes, financial manipulation to assure that only these two men, Bush and Kerry are kept before the public as the only two choices worth considering.

If there is any difference between these two candidates it is merely one of style. Nothing will change with the election/selection of either one of them. With Bush, the US suffered terrifying and destructive body blows that left the population reeling and the country going down for the count. There is nothing that Kerry proposes to do, or has the will and the personal power to do, that will change the direction that Bush has set us and the world on. Most of those who are promoting Kerry are doing so on the basis of hope. By embracing what they see as the "lesser of two weevils", they are hoping that, somehow, Kerry, will save our butts. This is the kind of vain hope that springs eternal in the heart of deluded humans.

I recently attended a lecture by Chalmers Johnson, author of "Blowback" and "Sorrows of Empire". While he endorses Kerry, he is quick to point out that he is not very optimistic about the future, and that only a grassroots uprising will change things. Yet, the majority of Americans continue to believe in the election process. How naive! It is the very same election process that got us into this mess! So, once and for all, here is why the entire election system is a massive fraud and will not work.

Think 2000! Hundreds of thousands of voters in Florida were disenfranchised, most of them Democrats. Factions loyal to the Republicans were placed in charge of the voting. A huge mess ensued. The only way to have sorted out the problems would have been to do an extensive manual recount. If that was not possible, the only fair thing would have been to revote after reinstating those disenfranchised and eliminating the phony overseas ballots, etc. We all know what happened. The recount was stopped when it appeared that Bush was going to lose. Not only that, but the Supreme Court of the land weighed in on behalf of the Republican candidate and selected him as President, even when it was obvious that he had lost! To make matters worse the Democratic candidate refused to demand a recount and acquiesced to the selection of the President by Judges friendly to Bush the Senior, clearly betraying those who voted for him.

With this in mind, my questions to those who still belive their vote counts are, "What makes you think that contingencies are not already in place that will totally nullify your vote? How do you know that your vote that counts will really be counted? How do you know that, should another "Florida debacle" occur again, that our Judges will not get involved once more and decide who should be President?

The American people and the entire so-called democratic process were betrayed in 2000. We are going into 2004 with the same system. No one has been held liable and accountable for the debacle in Florida. We have lived 4 years with a President who is not. He is still being treated as President and incumbent. Kerry is running against an opponent who lost the last elections based on the popular vote! This is utterly ridiculous. In addition, we hear nothing of the other candidates whose platform for the country would be a lot better than anything being offered by the Bush-Kerry ticket. How many Americans have heard of the Constitution Party and its platform? If you listen carefully you will hear the Founding Fathers groaning in their graves.

To see the value of our election process, we need only look back on the last 4, or 5 elections or so, and try to understand how America improved by installing this or that politico in the White House. As Professor Quigley would have put it, we "kicked one bastard out" only to replace him with another, is all we did. We are where we are precisely because we were led here by the "heads" we supposedly elected. It is said that we always get what we deserve. If that is true, then, sadly, Americans got, these past 4 years what they deserved. Some may want to change things and get something different, but it remains to be seen what it is that we now deserve, and what we are to suffer these next 4 years. Based on our recent history and it burdensome and terrifying karmic implications, it's not looking very good.

In fact, it looks very, very bad.

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